The 2023 RTN Nationals were this year held on July 22nd and 23rd in Harrisburg, PA, and our students did exceptionally well! Isabella Maldonado won her age group in the Championship round and placed in the top 3 in all her solo dances. While her younger sisters, Evangelina Maldonado and Abigail Maldonado, also delivered stellar performances, earning well-deserved medals in all their dances. We couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments and how brilliantly they represented the Fitzgerald School of Irish Dance.

In the spirit of hard work and dedication, Isabella’s outstanding performance at the 2023 RTN Nationals is a testament to her unwavering commitment to Irish dance. She’s not only an inspiration to our school but a shining example of perseverance and excellence. As we celebrate her remarkable achievements, we also extend our heartfelt congratulations to Evangelina and Abigail Maldonado for their incredible efforts, proving once again that the Fitzgerald School of Irish Dance fosters a supportive community of talented dancers. We eagerly look forward to the upcoming year, brimming with enthusiasm, and can’t wait to witness more of our students take the stage and compete in Nationals next year!

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